Sunday, 17 March 2013


I’m sorry you couldn’t tell me
You didn’t trust me enough
Truly sorry that I didn’t see
I know these things can be so tough
But in all of this I made sure you knew
I wasn’t playing, no, not playing
I’d have waited just for you
I was already under the wind swaying
Thinking nothing in this life would ring true
Then the silence hit me again
And this was nothing new
Just a lonely lane to the old pain…
I’m sorry I didn’t understand
But I am not one to be dragged along
I don’t march along with the same band
To be a follower you must be strong
And I am not, I need the background to be bright
I need to love and feel loved sometimes
Let my emotions run as fast as my emotion might
Can takes them, at the rhythm of the poetic rhymes
And you didn’t understand either
That this heart was set on you
In the misunderstanding I suffer
Expected your words not to be true
So I left what I saw as a game
Took your words seriously
I will accept I am to blame
Yet I know that you would have never loved me…

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

"wilstonegreen" by William Craig

Over the past few years, a writer rose from the depth of struggles with illness and complications in his life. Often he has attracted controversy, dislike or even hatred over his work. Yet his style is as raw as his talent. Many would easily argue that it is my job to glorify William Craig’s work or that being a personal friend of the author, I would obviously cover his work with the best of my opinion but in all honesty, even I find some of his pieces difficult to read or even appreciate. However there is no denying the truth behind his views or even the fact that the honesty in which the poems are written bring questions to the mind as we read.
Many pieces are available to read online, in fact should you enter the title of the book soon to be published into a search engine, you would find various examples of what controversy the author often faced. What author worth the reading doesn't have such controversy at some point of their career?
Soon “wilstonegreen” will be published. A book that one day will become a classic. No matter what the main opinion about the author is, the quality of the work is out of the bounds of the general poetic scope. There is something about the collection that will keep you going reading whether it is the raw emotions inked in each line read, the honesty that is encapsulated within the work or the openness in the views and experiences shared with us readers, it will keep you reading until the last word, often leaving you wishing there was more to read on the work.

Now I will invite you to visit the Facebook page, there you will find a few samples of William Craig’s work.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

Laurence Ramos.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Empty Shells Of A Time

Sometimes life redirects our hearts
Breaks them in many shattered parts
Even if we promised ourselves it wouldn't be
Life plays a game that we rarely see...

It wasn't malice that brought me to say no to you
It was more the fear of feelings becoming too true...
You were too close by then, the friend
The one intimate who would never hold my hand

I never set out to make you get upset
And you knew what I wanted from the onset
Patience has nothing to do with what we lived
And in a future neither of us truly believed...

I couldn't wait for you to change your mind
Live this way, walking on as if I was blind
I am not toy, I am flesh, blood and fire
Now our history came to finally expire...

No, there is not pettiness in asking
For my things to be returning
To me now that we will never speak again
As you said, now, things will never be the same...

So my friend, I bid you goodbye, goodnight
For you I cared for with all my might, 
Will I miss you, your funny ways
Yes, I shall... I probably will, always...

But no future did we speak of any time
The time with you, I'll cherish with memories sublime
With the little white monkey by my side
I will remember you with much pride.

Laurence Ramos

(For David, my postman friend)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

wilstonegreen by William Craig

William Craig is an author 
raw talent.

His work is full of honesty
thought provoking.




to view






Thank you very much.

Along the paths of my soul

I wish you were here now, just here
To push away from those eyes the fear
I wish you were here to tell those children
That even if this horror happened often
It's not universal, it's not going to happen again
That once this is done, they will not know this pain...
But I wish that right now I was with you
In this life for me nothing will ever again be new
I'm tired Daniel, so tired you see
To wait and wait to be happy
We both know it's only a stupid idea
One that leads people to believe
To accept people who come only to leave
Happiness my father is never going to happen
I could see it in your eyes so often
And I see it every day on mine
But I must stay and stand up in line
Wait for the time that life claims my last breath finally
I must fake that feeling, that notion of being happy...
Until then I'll wait smiling
I've become so good at faking
I often marvel at my mastery
I live along life perfectly
Ignoring what would normally bring anger
Because I know that when I speak up others suffer, 
So I keep the pain and the sadness within
And I live this way, waiting
Waiting for the last breath most probably painful
Like the trails dug along the paths of my soul
I'll wait until I can finally join those I miss
And with the everlasting peace I shall know bliss
I would no longer cry in secret as I so often do
When in the middle of the day I can hear you
Singing to those old songs you used to play
Yes, I shall join you, sooner or later, I too will be on my way....

Laurence Ramos

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Goodbye, goodnight

Pulling the carpet from under you
You, my lover never true
Leaving behind us the remains
Of the violence and problems
Taking of you nothing
I am now happy forgetting
Our life together
One I wanted to last forever
Foolish thoughts of mine
Destroyed by you through time
The hurt is fading slowly
And you lost all, you lost me…
Lost love deeper than ocean
Broke it slowly in the span
Of a decade hard worked upon
Left behind wife, daughter and son
Pretences were no way to leave
Hoping the love would still believe
Bringing darkness upon my mind
Leaving me to walk life blind
But I emerged from the darkness
Worked my way out of your mess
Grew stronger than you knew
And all this without you…
I've pulled the carpet from under your feet
There is no warmth in that heart for you to greet
No memories worth remembering
I loved you, I knew you but you I despise
I cannot but feel anything else otherwise
Pity for the person who thought me a possession
Of his, eternally devoid of passion
Blind to what was lying next to you
A lover loyal and true…
Goodbye old boy one day maybe
In me a friend you’ll see
Yet I doubt I could see it be
Good night to your hopes
Rolling down their slippery slopes
Of despair and pain
This heart to you is forever slain.

Laurence Ramos
January, 15th. 2013

Sparks From Hell

My life is a line of confusion
My heart a boiling well of passion
My eyes lakes of darkness
Survivors of life's worst mess...

Your life is the point of ending
Your heart calls mine to be returning
Your eyes lakes of the purest blue
But in this life I cannot love you...

Our lives are far too different
Our hearts to each other much too insufficient
Our eyes meet and create sparks from hell
And we know we cannot live together well...

Your life in mine is a refreshment
My heart is joyful with you for a moment
Your eyes show gentleness to mine unknown
And to save this between us nothing can be done...

Laurence Ramos
January, 13th. 2013

Tell me, Tell me....

Tell me, tell me now 
The way I must take
Why I can't see how
I can avoid repeating the same mistakes?

Tell me, tell me when
Life seemed to leave its track
What did then happen
For you not to give up and slack?

Tell me, tell me why
When I feel like packing 
All and hide away to cry
There is no strength for me to be finding?

Would you, would you have told me
If you were there today
If there was yet another way to see?
If you could have had something new to say?

I know, I know you cannot speak anymore
You are now only living in my heart
Leaving me so often to cry myself sore
Because life thought again we should be apart...

Yet you I see, yes you I see
When I look in the mirror
Those eyes are yours they're not me
And when life did this, it was no error...

Tell me, tell me please
If one day I will again heart your voice
Will my heart one day be at ease
And could I find a way to make the proper choice?

Laurence Ramos
January, 13th. 2013

Nothing But Water

Lonely heart
Lovely mind
No counterpart
Needing to be kind
Searching life often
Seeking happiness
Never knowing what's to happen
In life's eternal mess....
Lovely heart
Lonely mind
Lost from the start
With all complexities combined
Wander far so far
Life binds us forever
Hiding a wound with a scar
Yet it shall heal never...
Lonely minds and hearts
Lovely hearts and minds
Never seeking those lost parts
Never knowing what together will they find
Going through days
With nothing but water
Blind as to which way
Lost souls wander forever....

Laurence Ramos
January, 13th. 2013.

A Heart's Illness

See, my soul is now filling with fumes
When someone I barely know assumes
My silence means I no longer am ready
To be around for you to see me....
Why make uninformed decisions
And lack with it a little compassion?

How could anyone wish for me to respect
When from me too much already they expect?
Am I not now old enough to know
How to act within my life though?
Never try to put upon me your expectation
When there is nothing between you and me but conversation....

And no, I no longer live by the shadows of my past
Could you not simply stop speaking too fast?
I may not respond immediately
But I have a life to live fully
Wait a little patiently, your words will be read
Should you show such a thing, I would be nicer instead...


Never assume,
For your life it will consume
Never expect
You will earn a little respect
Never should your mouth open
Too fast for the truth to soften
The anger your earned
I hope this lesson you too will have learned....
There is no account between us to be due
I owe nothing, least of all to you
My silence may well have been valid
And your harsh tone left me livid
Pressing me over my lack of conversation
Wasn't a reason for you to give an opinion
I breathe and live of my own accord
To speak in the heat of disappointment you cannot afford
I am nothing but words left upon a screen to you
And with this issue I am completely through...
My own babies in a more charming manner 
Know far better 
Than to offer their ill fated opinions
While assuming that it is for them or you an option
To demand to know for what reason
I wasn't coming to take part in childish conversation!
If you hope to make a friend in me
You will need to open your eyes and see
That I am not that alone in this world at all
And in this ill fated gap you better not again fall...

Laurence Ramos
January, 14th. 2013

Song Bird

And they sang for me the sweetest tune of all
As I sat watching the waters from the mountains fall
The wind brushing my hair here and there
Teaching me that life can sometimes be fair….
But winter came and they sang no more
They flew away and I knew not what for
I sat by the glacial waters of the tall mountains
My heart counting the days with untold pain…
I looked up to the sky so clear
My soul filled with fear
Their return was taking so long
And my longing for their songs so strong…
Spring arrived without my knowing
Their beautiful voices started arriving
And my colder heart rejoiced finally
For I could sit by the water with them singing for me…
Summer rolled like a cloud glides in the sky
None paid attention but all cried why
On its last dying day the birds left again
And the days were no longer the same again….

Laurence Ramos
January, 14th. 2013