Wednesday 2 November 2011


She danced along the river bank, 
Light glistening along her long hair,
Careless, agile little thing she was,
Wonder to the world, light as a feather,
She twirled and skipped to the rhythm of the waters,
Right and left, she moved and danced,
Never looking forward, never looking back.
All in the moment of things,
Never thinking of former steps, missed skips,
Never thinking of the next for it could stumble her....
All was in the moment,  the moment of it....
Like you, all in your moment, never looking forward,
It is so uncertain what will be of us all,
Never knowing where the wind will pause our feathers
It is so uncertain what we do of our experiences,
Cherish the good, dispose of the negative....
Process love as life wants it,
You are but you don't feel it
I am and I don't want it.
There is something so romantic
In having the air brush against the skin,
it is here for one second,
Gone the next minute,
And she dances still along the river bank,
Remind me, my heart, that life is what we make it.
Matters not to anyone what is hidden to them,
Never looking forward for a future unsure,
Never looking back again to a past unwanted,
Seeing now as the moment to be,
To breathe, live and love,
Never seeking luck from the clouds above,
As the nimble child on the river banks,
My heart dances along the banks
Of the river of the moment called present,
Hoping one day we share one present
For a second, a minute or a day,
You, they, me, whatever we all may
Make of it all....
Living like the dancing child on the river bank,
Never seeking a future hazy,
Never looking at a past darkly
Know that love resides in us all,
This is for you.

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